
2006-11-10 2:08 am
對大學d事一無所知,好奇想問o下大家 :


。。。哪麼選修科目最多可以選多少科 ?
。。。選科可以選一些沒有什麼關係的科目嗎 ?

。。。那麼要達到什麼要求才能以「一等榮譽學士身分」畢業呢 ?

回答 (1)

2006-11-10 4:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
in University, student may take one field for their major, for example, in business, some students are major in accounting, some are major in marketing and so on~

also in minor and free elective, student also only can have one minor, but in free elective, just see how many quota you can take and you can choose any subject that you like, for example, I only have 4 quota to take free elective, I can take some philosophy, social science, psychology subjects into my study~

in hong kong, university normally study in honour degree and need to have classification when they graduate, how to classification just according to their academic result, university will use 4 in full marks, normally the average score of 6 semester is 3.5 or above is first class honour, 3.0 to 3.49 is upper second class honour, 2.5 to 2.99 is lower second class honour, 2.0 to 2.49 is third class honour and 1.67 to 2.0 is pass~

each subject have their marks and A is 4, A- is 3.67, B+ is 3.33, B is 3 and so on, so you can predit that if the average score is 3.5 or above, that means the average score of every subject is A- to B+, it is so difficult to get it la~

hope that I can answer your questions la~

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