PC problem.........

2006-11-10 1:21 am
In my pc window folder, there were many sub-folders have a name like this ---"$MSI31Uninstall_KB893803v2$" but nothing inside these folder. Can anyone tell me what these folder are and can i delete them too?
Thank you very much

回答 (2)

2006-11-10 1:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Those sub-folders are temporary folder... sometime when you install or uninstall, the software need some space from your hard drive. So it create those folder and use it... once they done~ .... they were useless...

You can delete them... but if you are not sure... use the software called .. Disk cleanup .. from your computer~ run it, use it, and select all and delete all. mostly it should solve all your problems.

2006-11-09 17:43:28 補充:
some windows update had its file... do not delete them.... that's why I told you to use Disk cleanup
2006-11-10 1:38 am
呢d係當你update左microsoft d patch/hotfix之後,update左d file既backup同uninstall時要既file,當然係唔理佢好啦

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