Human Resourse Management

2006-11-10 12:41 am
Does anyone has the sample of performance appraisal form for receptionist?

回答 (2)

2006-11-12 6:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think that you may consider the following items in the performance appraisal form for receptionist.

a) Appearance (儀表)
b) Courtesy (禮貌)
c) Knowledge (知識)
d) Ability / Efficiency (能力 / 效率)
e) Punctuality (守時)
f) Sense of Responsibility (責任感)
g) Attitude of Learning (學習態度)

And you may consider the weighing factor in each item.
For example, you think that sense of responsibility and courtesy are more important in performance appraisal, you take the weighing factor is 2 in this appraisal form for these two items.

Items and weighing factor is listed belows:
a) Appearance (儀表), the weighing factor is 1.5
b) Courtesy (禮貌),the weighing factor is 2
c) Knowledge (知識), the weighing factor is 1
d) Ability / Efficiency (能力 / 效率), the weighing factor is 1.5
e) Punctuality (守時), the weighing factor is 1
f) Sense of Responsibility (責任感), the weighing factor is 2
g) Attitude of Learning (學習態度), the weighing factor is 1

The assessor can marks in each item from 1 to 10, You may consider the full score is 100, then the result of this assessment may have following result:

Items, weighing factor, marks and score are summarized as follows:
a) Appearance (儀表), the weighing factor is 1.5 .Assessor marks 4, then the score is 6.
b) Courtesy (禮貌),the weighing factor is 2. Assessor marks 6, then the score is 12.
c) Knowledge (知識), the weighing factor is 1. Assessor marks 6,then the score is 6.
d) Ability / Efficiency (能力 / 效率), the weighing factor is 1.5. Assessor marks 6, then the score is 9.
e) Punctuality (守時), the weighing factor is 1.Assessor marks 8, then the score is 8.
f) Sense of Responsibility (責任感), the weighing factor is 2. Assessor marks 6,then the score is 12.
g) Attitude of Learning (學習態度), the weighing factor is 1.Assessor marks 5, then the score is 5.

Remarks : Score of each item = mark of the item x weighing factor

Therfore , the total score is 58.

You may set the system for above assessment. The passing mark in 50 or 60. If the receptionist below the passing marks, you may arrange him/her attend training or other treatment.
2006-11-14 7:56 am
幾好喎! 我都冇諗過可以用weight, 不過呢個就會麻煩d.

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