
2006-11-10 12:11 am

回答 (5)

2006-11-10 2:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Before answering your question, let me quote a part of a speech by President John F Kennedy delivered in 1963:

"And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings."

Now back to your question, if you are determined to learn English (and stay away from Chinese, Chinatown, Chinese newspaper,publications, and all sorts!), then the answer is YES.

Techniques of learning a language: practice makes perfect, do not miss any opportunity that is available to you (like reading, talking to local people, even watch English TV program!)

Good luck, remember what can be imagined, can be achieved!
2006-11-10 1:36 am
如果你會投入當地人的生活, 例如看,聽英文新聞, 報紙, 識一啲只會講英文的朋友, 盡量唔接觸華人, 再加上你會比心機去學同用英文, 應該會有好大進步!
2006-11-10 12:44 am

睇下你點學,你如果到時多d同當地native speaker溝通,
又睇下當地既電視節目,自自然然會學到d oral English ( 口語 )
要學得好d,就要睇多d英文書同報紙,咁先學到gramma ( 文法 )


2006-11-10 13:35:56 補充:
2006-11-10 12:15 am
咁要睇你自己進唔進取去學了, 周圍d 人都講英文, 你唔多唔少都會學到d ge
but only oral english lor, 文法上未必學到
2006-11-10 12:13 am
No problem!

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