
2006-11-09 11:01 pm

回答 (3)

2006-11-09 11:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
中流砥柱 中堅份子


e.g. Liza Wang is a TVB mainstay.

hard core, backbone

e.g. He a member of the hard core of the student union.

2006-11-09 15:33:03 補充:
打漏字 He is a member of the hard cord of the student union. hard core 是指一群中堅份子, 同team一樣用單數眾數也可, 但不可以用 a hard core 來指一個具有中堅身份的人
2006-11-10 1:42 pm
Kingpin or linchpin.
參考: self
2006-11-09 11:13 pm
You may use the -soul- of xx.

implying without the soul, the thing will not work

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