
2006-11-09 10:03 pm

回答 (4)

2006-11-18 12:52 pm
hey Isabel Lo!
"get laid" means have sex!! do u understand?(sorry i don't know how to type chinese either.... :P)
"in case u don't understand" means 假使 u don't understand. she was just trying to explain what does "score" mean.
and i guess it really depends on the 鬼佬's own taste. some of them prefer chinese girls but some of them don't. some of them think we r special and some think that we r strange!
luckily my 鬼佬 friends quite like me :P hehe
參考: personal experience
2006-11-09 11:35 pm
d 外國人好鍾意中國女仔架喎!覺得有東方美嘛!如果唔係章子怡就唔會咁紅啦!
2006-11-09 11:19 pm
get laid means get sleep? and what is it mean by in case? and is if you do not understand mean if you do not mind?
i have the same question as how do foreign men think chinese girl.i do not give the answer, but i very support your question, hope you to got a right answer!

2006-11-09 21:32:07 補充:
hey eva, what do you mean by your writing, i was just very interested in your words, but i am not good at English, just wnated to understand more, but i don't know how to write chinese with computer, hope that you dont hurt me!

2006-11-09 21:33:35 補充:
*in English

2006-11-12 19:45:40 補充:
*in English, this words was just correct the above words as i am not in English, was not asking you write English to me, do you undersatnd
2006-11-09 10:10 pm
我諗係膚色ge 問題
參考: 自己意見

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