3983 question

2006-11-09 9:27 pm
i bought it at $3.28 on 7th Nov 2006, the price drop to 3.16. i want to ask how much do i need to sell it in order to mininze my loss? thx for giving advices

回答 (2)

2006-11-10 7:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
從技術走勢睇,3.07 - 3.08 計埋今日已經形成 4 底支持位,故股價不應趺穿 3.07,
否則要考驗 3.0 支持,若失守,回試2.8 密集區.故閣下可以以上幾個位考慮止蝕.

但個人對 #3983 好有信心, 我仲入緊, 唔駛驚, #3983係好股來架.

2006-11-09 9:37 pm
I would suggest you to keep instead of selling it at 3.16. From the graph although the current trend is not very good, there is high chance that it can rise back to the level of 3.25 - 3.3 in the next few days and you should sell by that time.

If you fear that you need to hold it for long time I would suggest you to cut loss @ 3.1.

Good luck!

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