✔ 最佳答案
Manpower HK
"At Manpower, we have been in the people business for more than 50 years, providing the right job at the right time. As a world leader in the employment services industry, we provide jobs to people through a network of 4,400 offices in 72 countries and territories worldwide. "
我上一份工係manpower幫我搵的, 佢地好多大公司 (上市公司) o既客... 佢地會事先同您interview先, 做好多test... 例如written test, 打字, language interview等... 亦會教您對答時應該點做, 著咩衫好o的等等...
Adecco HK
"Adecco is Hong Kong's leading recruitment firm, offering permanent recruitment, contract staffing and temporary help services.
Since 1986, we have helped organisations and individuals in Hong Kong recruit the right staff and secure the most suitable jobs respectively.
Adecco Personnel Limited is a subsidiary of the world's largest staffing services firm which has over 6000 branches in 70 countries and territories. "
Adecco 就係幫我搵到而家呢份工o既, 佢地好多法國同日本公司o既contact (我而家就係o係一間法國公司o既香港branch到做)... 佢地冇manpower咁多test, 但language interview就一定要啦...
呢2間係我遇過最好同最有系統o既agents, 佢地有o的公司質素都好好, 亦唔會好似有o的agent係咪都叫您去in...
您可以去佢地個網登記, 見到有工可以apply... 佢地都o係classified post, jobsdb 登好多工的...
講真, 自己係咪都要搵工, 咁多間agent幫您手搵, 梗係會多o的機會啦... 有o的公司, 會自己出ad, 同時又搵agent... 有o的, 就只係事旦一樣...
有時您仲可以去一o的大公司o既網站睇, 佢地都會有自己recruitment o既webpage, 而o個o的工未必放出黎比agent的...
咁當然, 您自己先會知您最想要o既係咩工, 所以有時都唔可以太過靠agent, 佢地係會睇您適唔適合份工, 而您自己選, 就係睇您自己喜唔喜歡... 我覺得多幾個途徑冇壞的...
如果您仲想要多o的agent o既list, 可以去classified post個網站睇下