
2006-11-09 8:52 pm


ps:本人想去澳洲讀foundation,再讀大學,讀vet/ nursing 呀~~

回答 (4)

2006-11-09 9:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
AE 偉恩國際升學顧問有限公司啦~
電話:9277 3289
參考: 我同幾個fd都係呢間既~真係正野,絕對唔收錢
2007-01-22 10:28 pm
AE is not the best.唔收錢....only the school paid them back, if you want to apply for some outstanding school. u need to pay more money.
there are so many agent. this feelback is too selling. WSSCAL must work AE.please do some more seach!!! and ask more people.
2006-11-10 10:07 pm
if you want to study in Australia,
defintely i will suggest you to go and apply in IDP education, located in harbour Centre, Wanchai. It's an non profit organization, launched by numerous education institute of Australia. They provide services that is free of charge and reliable.Unlike other commercialize education consultant, they provide information and assist you to apply some courses that might best fit to your requirements and background. 佢地多數唔會欺騙你讀唔好的學校,will tell u honestly the pros n cons of your choices then give u good recommendations.

佢地幫我同其他家人去澳洲讀書,仲入到出名大學,(cos most of the reputated univresities and institute are cooperated with them) they are so helpful n they are well in follow up too.

P.s, they always have a lot of people waiting for free consulation espeically during 收生季節

2006-11-10 14:09:13 補充:
They are free of charge
參考: self experiences
2006-11-09 10:43 pm
I suggest u to go to Aston Education


Address: 香港灣仔譚臣道141號大業大廈5樓 (灣仔地鐵站A4出口)

All agents in there are very good. They are very kind and helpful.

You dont have to pay any fees to the agency. You just need to pay for the application to the institute of your choice. You are able to apply three different institutes at a time.

Its good that you chose nursing as your study field because it can help you to get an Austrlian residency easier after u graduate.

Trinity College is a good institute for u to study foundation course and u can continue your nursing degree course in Melbourne Uni.

For more information, u can go to Aston Education for free consultation.

Good Luck
參考: myself

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