我想問Benelux 同 Belgium 有沒有關係?

2006-11-09 8:45 pm
我想問Benelux 同 Belgium 有沒有關係?

回答 (2)

2006-11-10 6:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Benelux was a economic Union .There had three members only Belgium ,Netherland , Luxembourg . It formed ismid 1960s - but ended in late1960s. It encouraged the economic co operation in further of european countries . Europe Union ................economic union were encourage by Benelux
2006-11-09 8:51 pm
Benelux 的意思是包括 Belgium比利時, Netherland荷蘭 & Luxembourg盧森堡 三個國家。

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