Help! Many ?s need to be answered!!!!!

2006-11-09 7:14 pm F-15 the best fighter plane with real combat history?If so, why is it so gd? A-10 the best attack plane?
3.What submarine class is the best in US?
4.What submarine class is the best in the whole world?
5.What is the best submarine in US?
6.What is the best submarine in the world?
7.Best boomber in the world?

回答 (2)

2006-11-10 9:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A1) Yes, as according to the combat flight result in Iraq. F-15 is the best fighter jet with the exchange rate of 50:1
A2) Yes, A-10 has eleven pylon which can hold almost 4 tons of armos. it has a 30mm fore-gun w/ 3000 r/m( it can chew up almost anything ), furthermore, it can fly even w/ only one engine from two.
A3) Depands on what purpose, attack sub. or SSBN ??
A3a) in US, best attack sub.( in service ) Virginia class
A3b) LA class for SSBN
A4) you could say both in A3a or A3b
A5) same answer as above
A6) did to
A7) B-2 from the States
2006-11-24 4:05 am
參考: 反對自動移除唯一答案!浪費答題者心血!!!

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