
2006-11-09 3:58 pm
10分急 有冇 船公司電放信英文樣本

回答 (3)

2006-11-09 6:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To :
Attn. :Seafreight Manager

Subject :Telex Release
B/L No.
Vessel/Voyage :

You are requested to release subject shipment to below company without
collecting Original Bill of Lading.

Company Name :

In consideration of your releasing subject shipment without production of the relevantOriginal Bill(s) of Lading, we hereby undertake and agree to indemnity you in full against all consequences and/or liabilities of any kind whatsoever directly or indirectly arising form or relating to the said release and to reimburse you on demand for all payments which you may make or be called upon to make in respect of such consequences and/or liabilities, including costs as between solicitor and client and all or any sums demanded by you for the defence of any
proceedings brought against you by reasons of the release aforesaid.

And we further agree upon demand to pay any freight and/or General Average and/or Charges due on the goods aforesaid (it being expressly agreed and
understood that all liens shall subsist and be unaffected by the terms hereof).

And we further undertake and agree that immediately the Bill(s) of Lading is/are received by us, we will deliver the same to you fully endorsed.
2006-11-09 4:33 pm
2006-11-09 4:01 pm
你可以向船公司取, 因為有些船公司有自己要的格式.

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