how do astronauts live in space??

2006-11-09 3:28 pm
how do astronauts shower and use bathroom in space??

do they need to wash dishes or laundry??

how do they keep thier living quaters clean??

what special sanitation issues do astronauts face that those of us on earth don't worry about??

回答 (2)

2006-11-10 2:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, astronauts will use spray to clean their bidy, which is in a special room to have gravity, actually is pressure differences! Thay dont need to wash dishes since they dont use dishes to eat, they have some disguisting food, which is very weird, and their dirty clothes will but it in a bag, and keep it, they will never dispoal it to the outer space! Since no air, place are clean by no dust in the air! Sleeping is the worst due to no gravity, the astronauts will swing around, so they cannot sleep well!
參考: From my knowledge!
2006-11-09 9:28 pm
Astronauts shower using a pump. They use a bathroom by putting their waste in a plastic bag, then deposit it outside space. Because the space has no air,m their living quarters are very clean. Some things that astronauts will worry about is that they don't have enough Oxygen, which will kill them.

2006-11-09 13:29:30 補充:
They eat by squeezing food like a toothpaste in their mouth.

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