Is anyone Bipolar here?

2006-11-09 10:42 am
What meds are you taking?
When was it diagnosed?

I'm Bipolar type 2.. and I'm taking Lithium..

回答 (3)

2006-11-11 11:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
有朋友吃抗抑鬱藥後, 情緒波動極大. 醫生說是Bipolar.
精神藥物往往引起精神病, 或擴大加深原有病情. 不可不知.!V0jili2TAAeEL1KRDQOau96s/archive?l=f&id=5
2006-11-19 4:28 am
I am Bipolar type I, I am currently taking Lexapro(escitalopram) 10mg, and Epilim (Sodium Valproate) 300mg. I used to take Efexor, up to 37.5mg twice per day, but cause nausua and swith to lexapro. Before then, I used to take Abilify (aripiprazole) up to 15 mg per day but I have no way of getting it in Hong Kong. I also used to take Zoloft(sertraline HCl) for depression. I was diagnosed having schizophrenia in 1997 but later confirm as having Bipolar I on Jan, 2006.
2006-11-10 2:50 am
Lithium 係對 Bipolar 最有效既藥,但就要定期抽血 check 藥性濃度,太少冇用,過量又唔好

Bioplar 要注意Manic果時個人情緒太 high 就會用好多 energy,好多野講...
但點都好過 Depression 既

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