
2006-11-09 9:39 am
本人20years old~~18果陣開始脫髮到現時~~

回答 (3)

2006-11-09 9:49 am
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脫 髮 成 因

女 性 分 娩 後 生 理 上 產 生 變 化 也 會 脫 髮 , 但 只 屬 暫 時 性 , 補 充 營 養 及 產 後 進 補 後 , 脫 髮 困 擾 便 解 脫 。

因 工 作 壓 力 導 致 精 神 緊 張 , 睡 眠 不 足 , 令 血 液 循 環 不 正 常 。

經 常 不 洗 頭 , 引 致 頭 皮 及 污 垢 過 多 , 阻 塞 毛 孔 , 或 由 於 皮 脂 腺 及 毛 根 的 萎 縮 。

免 疫 系 統 紊 亂 、 急 性 傳 染 病 或 內 分 泌 失 調 等 病 , 如 貪 血 、 甲 狀 腺 等 。

飲 食 不 均 勻 , 長 期 缺 乏 某 種 營 養 而 引 起 的 營 養 缺 乏 症 如 維 他 命 A 、 B 2 、 B 6 。

家 族 性 遺 傳 因 素 , 照 X 光 、 服 食 免 疫 抑 制 藥 , 也 會 引 起 脫 髮 。












朋友們,不用怕!因密墨髮採用新科技、新突破、新概念,用最短的時間令你回復青春,重拾自信。不但令脫髮立刻停止,而且更令新髮重生,重獲美麗自然的烏髮。我們經過數年的研究,採用二十多種名貴中藥秘方及配合深層海洋礦物質精華提煉而成的新藥。突破中西藥混合的使用概念,證明對治療一切脫髮有決定性的效果。過去數年在中國大陸成功進行數百個臨床實驗,生髮療程絕對安全可靠,絕無副作用成功率達99%(患癌病電療引致脫髮除外)。 試過,個效果唔錯
2007-09-04 11:14 am
2006-11-09 5:46 pm
Brothers,i assume u are a man, MALE! [if not, dun read my advice!]
i really wanna help you!
recently, in the last 10 yrs, 脫髮 become younger and younger!
i dunno why, some say the presure and stress is hight for young people!

but i dun think, when 30, 40, 50 yrs ago, the young people are thinking will they got a job, or got the food tomorrow, after WW2!
these are the REAL pressure and stress!

today, kids can sucide because the WEAPONS in the ONLINE GAME was stolen!
so it cannot compare to the old days!

so i dun think realted to STRESS!
may be i think realted to the instant food , like instant noodles, snacks! even teh vegetable, meat, also have problems!
the vergatable is DNA mutated, beans with DNA of fishes. and the peticides! and the cows, pigs also got somthing changed by dna and the grass and food they ate also dna mutated with petiscide! also the condervatives on the food, the make the food keep longer, and most artifical, chemical, flavouring, that make the food taste better!

we, born at this gerneration, eat these kid of food since we are born! so problems comes! 脫髮 come earlier! even studets 脫髮 from secndary school!
想問市面上有好多companys幫人~~€ yes, because it can make so much $$$$$$ !
so which company, which medicine, which methods really works?!

I can tell u, [i am not advertising!]
there is only 2 medicine in the world, that, PROVED by USA medical department - FDA, that PROVED IT CAN REALLY HELP TO STOP 脫髮! [with scientific, experiments and tests reports accepted by the FDA!]
one medicine is pills, you eat it by mouth, another medicine is liquid, spray on the head skin directly.

1] called -- Propecia [you need doctors letter to buy! so u need to ask a doctor to write a letter for you to buy it!]
2] called -- Regaine.no need letter,
I dun want to talk the details of the 2 medicine[e.g.side effects, theory and how they really works!], as i am not a doctor!
but u can type the 2 medicine name on yahoo, u will get tons of information!
of course I suggest u go to see doctor, have a check and ask for his advice first! if needed, also ask him to write the letter for you!

[p.s.warning propecia can only used for MALE!! NOT for female!!]

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