請問Sick Role 的五個階段,即是知道患上絕症後的心理反應

2006-11-09 7:37 am

回答 (1)

2006-11-14 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
this is different from the sick role concept

this is called 5 stages of grief
by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (1969)

From interviewing dying clients she outlined five phases of the person facing death:

Denial- The person thinks "This isn't really happening" or "No, this can't be." In this stage, the person will think thoughts that will help them deny the experience. They will lie about the situation and tell themselves that this is just temporary and everything will be back to normal soon. It is often used as an attempt to cushion the impact of the source of grief.
Anger - The person thinks "Why me" or "How dare this happen to me." The person feels generalized rage at the world for allowing something like this to happen. They will feel isolated and furious that this is happening to them. They will think it's unfair and may feel betrayed. Outbursts of anger in unrelated situations can occur.
Bargaining - The person thinks "If I do this, I can make it better, I can fix things." One may feel guilt and feel it is their responsibility to fix the problems. They make an attempt to strike bargains with God, spouses, or parents.
Depression - The person thinks "My heart feels broken" or "This loss is really going to happen and it's really sad." At this stage, the person is absorbed in the intense pain they feel from having their world come apart. They can be overwhelmed with feelings of helplessness and sadness.
Acceptance - The person thinks "This did occur, but I have great memories" or "It is sad but I have so much to live for and so many to love." The loss is accepted and we work on alternatives to coping with the loss and to minimize the loss.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 23:09:22
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