Logitech webcam

2006-11-09 7:03 am
I buy a logitech webcam and record a video. Send the file but they can only listen to the voice and cannot see. Why? Is the format not correct? If so, can I change the format and send again?

Supplementary notes: I record the video in avi format but when I try to watch from other PC, 我只能聽聲但睇唔到片 Thanks

回答 (1)

2006-11-10 2:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you have to make sure your short video is work properly.
then b4 you really sent to your friend.

It may be properly your webcam setting 's issue!
I have following check, you may try try to find the problem :

1.do you web cam can work properly ?
is it can view each other with friends through internet?

2. go into the config/ setting , check it out all the things again.
find out is it something wrong ..and may not follow by the manual ?

3.as you said, try another format to send, is it work ?
(actually , I dont' know what model you have ,
or detail package you have, so it's hard to say,,,so I just try my best
the likely way you can try to do

4 .If you may set the lower resolution of video ,
try to set lower first,,,, and lower resolution is ok ...
may be something is not support in your pc ....

Good luck !

2006-11-13 01:31:24 補充:
may u review your record, at once? after record,,,?if you can't review,,,mean your video setting something problem..but voice is ok ..^ ^It's probably be that...
參考: self experience on pc

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