bills payable係咩黎? 同creditors個數, 支票有咩分別?

2006-11-09 6:28 am
bills payable係咩黎? 同creditors個數, 支票有咩分別?

what is bills payable/ received?

同invoice 又有咩分別? thx~~

回答 (3)

2006-11-19 12:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) Bills payable 係 一種payable。做出入口公司好多時候都要找數比啲外國公司,咁對方未必相信海外買家,就會要求買家出L/C (呢啲就係BILLS),咁張L/C出咗,但又未找數,所以就會係BILLS PAYABLE。
(2) Bills payable 同 bills receivables 嘅分別,就係你開l/c畀人哋(bills payable),同人哋開l/c畀你(bills receivables)
(3) bills係一種付款方式,如果你唔用bills,其實即時畀晒錢都得。而invoice就係你哋個transaction (買賣)嘅document,bills payable都係根據invoice(proforma invoice)嚟開。

2006-11-18 16:15:46 補充:
creditor係你爭人幾多錢,bills payable就係用嚟settle creditor 嘅outstanding。支票同bills payable都係付款嘅方法,但係用嚟支付海外supplier嘅貨款,未必可以用到cheque。
2006-11-13 10:47 pm
Bills payable = 一般為應付銀行的金額 (銀行借 $$$ 給公司買貨)
Invoice = 發票, 即公司為客戶提供服務或銷售貨品後的[請款單].
Creditor = 債權人, trade/services treated as 應付款 Accounts payable

供應商開發票給公司後, Creditor 金額增加. 公司開支票還款後 Creditor 金額便減少

For Bills payable, pls see below

T/R loan will be treated as Bills payable (sub-item of Accounts payable). The nature of the loan determine whether it is bills payable or bank loan, but not timing.

T/R loan is a form of import advance or import credit facility. Basically, it is a fixed loan secured against a Trust Receipt and is available for a certain fixed tenor, say 30/60/90/120/180 days. The bank retain the Trust Receipt and in return release the export document to you so that you can deliver the bills of lading to the carrier to take delivery of the goods
2006-11-10 10:38 pm
Bills Payable 我都唔知咩黎! 是不是 支票的美國稱呼, 有時美國同英國都有唔同叫法, 好鬼煩! 如: 美國叫支票做check, 英國叫 cheque ... 等等. Credit 是指有數期, 如有 CREDIT 30 DAYS, 即是今日收貨, 30日後先比錢. COD是一手交貨, 一手交現金或支票(即日票啊), 還有 PDC POST DATED CHEQUE, 交貨時即時收一張期票, 日子就要看你給他多少日數期啦! PDC 30 DAYS = 支票日期在30天之後. CREDITORS = 供應商. INVOICE = 發票, 你平時去超市買野都有果D發票
參考: 會計人員

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