ive 年長生入讀一問

2006-11-09 2:17 am
請問對ive 是知識達人的先生
本人想參加07年道 ive 由於我現年21 ,入讀前更達22了
聽說 可跟蹤年長人資格...而我當年hkcee 只得2分 不包中英數
但事前 入讀私立學院的設計文憑(持續進修)認可(合格畢業)而我問題如下
3假如入讀成功,但07年尾/08年頭會跟隨一jp oversea student 前往jp體驗生活
請問ive 出席率是多少?如果出席率不夠,但考試合格,可否升上year2?還是補讀?還是留級處理?
請大家幫幫忙.....想好好計劃~因為我不再青春了 謝謝

回答 (3)

2006-11-09 2:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
I was an ive full time student before
hope i can answer your question:
1,no, there many case that were successful!!! be confidence
2,yes, experience and relevant cert is helpful.
3,you should consult the administrator of school department or your futuredepartment head before your application of the subject
4,yes!lack of attendance GREATLY INFLUENCES your acedamic performance!!!!!
the same suggestion: as above 3,

you're so young, if you tend to hold up your precious moment during these ages. you can have your hopeful future life~

2006-11-13 18:50:10 補充:
The open day of ive is coming soonyou can research more information during this period!! =^^=http://www.vtc.edu.hk/vtc/web/template/press.jsp?fldr_id=1910&content_id=6419

2006-11-13 18:52:25 補充:
or you can contact them by the given contact number in the following link:http://www.vtc.edu.hk/vtc/web/template/contact_details.jsp?fldr_id=384
參考: myself
2006-11-09 7:28 pm
2.有設計文憑會有幫助,但工作經驗唔會增加入讀機會,ive只會考慮你既會考marks or 其他 文憑~
3.oversea trip 係唔可以申請短暫停留~
參考: myself~I am ive student~
2006-11-09 2:53 am

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