HELP ME PLEASE!!!!change it to english

2006-11-09 1:53 am
please change it to english!!!







回答 (3)

2006-11-09 4:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
A bear is a large mammal in the family Ursidae of the order Carnivora.

Common characteristics of bears include a short tail, acute senses of smell and hearing, five non-retractable claws per paw, and long, dense, shaggy fur.

Bears have powerful limbs. They are capable of standing up. Their teeth are used for defense and tools. Their claws are used for ripping, digging, and catching.

While many bear species do go into a physiological state called hibernation or winter sleep, it is not true hibernation. Their body temperature drops only a few degrees from normal and they are easily roused.

The average life of the bears is 25-40 years.

Kodiak bears (or Alaskan Brown Bear) are the largest type, and in fact one of the largest extant carnivores. Sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) are the smallest, the average weight being less than that of humans.

Bears are commonly given humanity in modern popular culture.
2006-11-09 4:25 am
The bear, 食肉目, is belongs to Xiong K'o large-scale 雜食性mammalia, by meat primarily. All has the distribution from the frigidzone to the tropics.

The common characteristic has the fingernail which the shorttail, the extremely good sense of smell and the sense of hearing, fiveis unable to contract, as well as is long, densely, the thick wool.

The bear has the strong four limbs, may stand. Their tooth is uses forto defend and to treat as the tool. Their claw may use for to tear, toexcavate and captures the game.

Many bears when winter was considered can hibernate. In fact, the bearcertainly does not hibernate. Their body temperature only drops thesuitable quantity, moreover is very easily awakened by noise.

Bear's mean lifetime is 25 to 40 years.

The polar bear is the largest-scale bear, is on the extant land thebiggest carnivore. The solar bear (Malay bear) is smallest, is alsosmaller than person's average body weight 1..
The bear is often bestowed on in some mass culture with thehuman nature.
參考: me
2006-11-09 4:24 am
Bear, Large mammal of a family Ursidae in the order Carnivora, found in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere.

Common Characteristics are short tails, great sense of smell and hearing, non-retractile claws and long, thick and coarse fur.

Bears have powerful limbs and can walk on the entire sole of the foot. Their teeth are used as a protectin and also a tool. Their claws can be used for tearing, digging and for catching prey.

In cold climates bears sleep through most of the winter but this sleep is not a true hibernation. The bear's body temperature drops to a certain degree and they would be awaken very easily.

The average age of a bear is around 25 to 40 years old.

Polar bears are the biggest in its type, the biggest canivore on land. The Sun bear (Helarctos Malayanus) is the smallest of the bears and they weight even less than an average human.

Bears are often intergrated with human personality.
參考: I tried my best, I am really out of practise with my chinese so hope this helps

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