Geog Question

2006-11-09 1:39 am
What are the causes of Global warming?

回答 (2)

2006-11-09 1:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Because of too much greenhouse gases, the world become warmer and warmer.
So the human activities that causes global warming are deforestation. It make that fewer trees can't absorb carbon dioxide. Forest fire also destroy the tree make that the trees fewer and fewer. And the combustion of fossil fuels by factories and vehicles. This produced a lot of carbon dioxide that make global warmer and warmer.
Then the next causes is about Nitrous oxide. The human cause is Nitrogen fertilizers, burning organic waste and production of nylon. These activities will produce a big amout of Nitrous oxide. Then make global warmer and warmer.
The third greenhouse gas is Methane. It make global warmer and warmer are because of agricultural activities, lanfills, mining and fuel leakage.
The fourth greenhouse gas is CFCs(chlorofluoracarbons). It is find in foams, refrigerants and solvents. It can be make global warmer and warmer too.
These are the human activities that make global warming intensive

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我5 copy 曬la!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-11-09 5:59 am
human activities
1. household
(the use of air-conditioner, heater, and other electrical appliances)
2. industrial
burning of fossil fuels (eg. coal, oil, natural gas)
3. transport
burning of fossil fuels, or using electicity

these activities give out green-house gases. such as carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxide (NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), etc.
the GH gases will trap heat (sun's ray) on the earth surface and so the temperature of the world increases, that is global warming.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:46:02
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