What is the accurate half life of Carbon-14?

2006-11-09 1:17 am
The half life of different elements may have different periods of time. I know the half life of Carbon-14, which is the isotope of Carbon that has an atomic number 6 and relative atomic mass 12.0, is 5730 years, but I just want to know the accurate time which stated the months, days or even the hours and minutes. I have searched a lot of websites but unfortunately I couldn't find any suitable information. Please help! Thanks.

回答 (2)

2006-11-09 6:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sorry !

I just want to point out that. 5730 years is already a very accurate value.

It is of course determined by experiment. If we can have an age of 100. It is already very long. But still very short when compare to 5730 years. No experiment can be performed for very long time to determine the half-life of C-14 as accurate as to the extent of minute. Let us say that an experiment is performed for 10 years. Originally, there are 10g of C-14, after 10 years, the deacyed amount is 10 - 10X(0.5)^(10/5730) = 0.0012g.
There is a limit to the accuracy of our balance. 5730 is a very good value within experimental error range. I do not think there exist an accurate value as accurate as to month, day, etc.
2006-11-10 12:08 am
5730 years is already a sufficiently accurate number.

Besides, there is a number of assumptions on deriving this number.
1. We assume the atmosphere condition does not change too much.
2. We assume the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere does not change too much.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 16:24:40
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