
2006-11-09 1:16 am

回答 (6)

2006-11-09 1:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear (name of your boss),
It is my honor to have a wed with (name of your wife or husband).
We are going to have a wedding party at (time e.g. 20:00) of (date e.g. 20th November) held in (venue e.g. HK Shangri La Hotel) and I would like to kindly invite you to come and join our happy event. It is always a pleasure to have your attendence. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Best wishes,
(Your name)
(your working position)
參考: my knowledge!
2006-11-22 9:28 am
Wrong Wrong Wrong!!!

Situation depands on who is the host of the wedding. You can refer to the www.southworth.com. There are many template to refer.
2006-11-11 3:49 pm

印刷公司會比 d 中文 sample 你選擇

你同佢講以上既 problem

請佢比 d 英文 sample 你參考

that will be ok

i did it before

2006-11-11 07:52:38 補充:
if he gives you a few copiesthen you can use your own computer printerand pink paper to type and make some picturesdon't worry, they will help youbecause you order chinese invitation cards from their company
2006-11-10 9:30 pm
#2 person has best answer.

I am getting married to a 外國人 in Canada. Therefore, my invitations will be in English and this is how they write invitations in English.
2006-11-09 5:48 am
You are cordially invited to the wedding party (or banquet) of Mr. XX and Mrs. YY to be held on [date] at [location]. The party reception starts at [time].
2006-11-09 1:36 am
新娘名 & 新郎名
request the honour of your presence
at our Wedding Ceremony
on Sunday, 14 November, 2004
The Hong Kong City Hall
Marriage Registry Central, Hong Kong
at 4:30 p.m.
And to a Banquet Reception
at the 酒家名
地址Des Voeux Road C., Central, Hong Kong
Reception at 5:00 p.m.
Dinner at 8:00 p.m.

Mr. 新郎/新娘名(或婚禮聯絡人名)
Tel: 聯絡人電話

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