Covalent bond and ionic bond

2006-11-09 1:07 am
H2O分子裏面ge H ions同O ions點解係以covalent bond結合一齊而唔係以ionic bond?即係兩個H atoms畀一粒電子O atom,都係H2O~
又點解NaCl係giant ionic structure?Na+同Cl- 咪o岩o岩好係一pair囉~但係書寫一粒Na+有六粒Cl-圍住,一粒Cl-又畀六粒Na+圍住~點解會咁ga?

回答 (2)

2006-11-09 1:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Covalent bond is formed by sharing of electrons between non-metals while ionic bond is formed by transfer of electron(s) from non-metal to metal.

H2O molecules are linked by weak hydrogen bonding, much lower boling point at 100 deg C, compared with NaCl about 1413 deg C.

The ionic structure is linked by strong ionic bond. Refer to the smallest unit, the unit cell, just imagine each ion is at centre of cube and therefore surrounded by 6 opposite charge ions.
2006-11-10 4:41 am
covalent bond and ionic bond係一個model去解釋bonding......唔好對佢咁認真....(不過你考試CE/AL就唔好對我呢句咁認真....會冇分ga)
H+同O2-都唔stable,而且pure water唔可以導電,咁你都知佢ionic character幾弱...
因為佢係solid.....from到solid就一定要有個3D structure,可以係crystalline/amorphous (or in between)得一粒Na&Cl就form唔到一個我地可以analyze到的東西.......

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