
2006-11-09 12:32 am


回答 (3)

2006-11-09 1:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Since we always have an impression that those things selling in the plane are more expensive than buying on land, I think it's difficult to sell things which can be bought on shops. I suggest you can sell some souvenir like crystal, small spoon,bags etc with your company's logo on/with it.

2. I hope we can have Japanese food and ice cream as the desert. We are tired of getting those food which are worse than those from Cafe de Carol.

3. Popular games like PS2 or at least we can search the internet. (cost too expensive?)
2006-11-09 1:36 am
1) Gift that have the airlines name on it that are exclusively sold onboard the airlines flight... As they are rare and expensive to buy if you are not flying with them...
2) Stake as up until this moment... Its difficult to have stake onboard as they would not taste as good if you rehead it... And also that all food have to be 100% fully cooked which make stake doesnt taste as good as it could be...
3) AVOD as it have the option for you to watch a movie as you like when you like... And able to pause, fast forward etc... And also have a large number of movie to choose from...
2006-11-09 12:42 am

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