
2006-11-09 12:30 am
Can anyone help me to solve the following problems?
-What is Brownian Movement?
-How to use experiments to explain Brownian Movement?
-What is the relationship between Brownian Movementand the Kinetic Theory of Matter?
-Explain three states of matter.

回答 (1)

2006-11-09 4:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Before reading my reply, please note that the answers are originally written by myself.

1) What is Brownian Movement?
A) Some solids can float on water. When these solids can float on water, the Brownian Movement might occur. These solids would move in a random direction and change its direction frequently.

2) How to use experiments to explain Brownian Movement?
A) Just put a small amount of powder on water.

3) What is the relationship between Brownian Movementand the Kinetic Theory of Matter?
A) In the Kinetic Theory, it says that particlesin liquid can move freely. Since the particles can move freely, the particles will hit the solid rapidly and this will make the solid move. This is the Brownian Movement.

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