Which is the right answer? And why?

2006-11-08 11:10 pm
I seldom see my old classmates.

A.I see them all the time.
B.I see them once a year.
C.I see them every week.

Please help me.

回答 (5)

2006-11-08 11:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A. I see them all the time -> all the time = always, that doesn't mean seldom
B. I see them once a year -> frequency very low, possible answer
C. I see them every week -> frequency is not low, and even regularly see in a week time, so can't say seldom

Answer is B
2006-11-08 11:16 pm
B is the right answer
seldom 解作: 不常,很少
2006-11-08 11:14 pm
B.I see them once a year



2006-11-08 15:15:38 補充:
seldom不常,很少;難得 sober沒喝醉的;不過量飲酒的 FROM YAHOO DICTIONARY
2006-11-08 11:13 pm
B. 因為seldom意解很少很少,真係少到冇人有
2006-11-08 11:13 pm
B.I see them once a year.

2006-11-08 15:15:08 補充:
because it is the right answer

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