what is glowing splint and burning spint??

2006-11-08 11:06 pm
就唔知glowing splint and burning spint之解

回答 (3)

2006-11-09 1:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
glowing splint係帶有餘燼的木條
burning splint係燃燒中的木條
後者亦都可以用o黎測試氫氣,會「噗」一聲("pop" sound)
2006-11-09 3:38 am
burning spint is the wooden splint burn with brighter flame than glowing splint.
glowing splint is use to test for hydrogen gas or carbon dioxide or others.
burning spint is use to test for oxygen if it relight.
2006-11-08 11:14 pm
burning splint is a wooden splint which is burning you can see there is flame(火焰) on it

glowing splint is a wooden splint which burn before but the flame has just put out, you can see the splint is red hot but no flame on it

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