
2006-11-08 7:32 pm
內容: 英文e-mail


呢兩個月發現出少咗糧, 本來應為港幣$A, 由上個月開始少咗,變咗港幣$B, 我想知道是否當中出了問題, 還是係我搞錯了, 請指導!!


p.s. sorry 連中文也不太好, 總之份e-mail , 要尊敬, 要有禮貌, 絕不可以借題話佢出錯, 或話佢冇記性等等

回答 (5)

2006-11-08 8:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear (Boss's name),

With reference to the dfference in my salary for the past two months, I would like to have the chance for a review.

Originally, I was getting $A for my salary. However, it changed to $B from last month. Could I know the details or the reasons for such a change please? Is there any technical error incurred? Is it due to any mistakes that I have made? Please kindly advise.

Should there be any inconvenience caused, please kindly forgive me.

Your name

P.S. I agreed that you should keep record of all the e-mails sent and received so as to protect yourself. Hopefully I can help you.
參考: Me (graduated from Australia)
2006-11-09 5:41 am
Dear Boss, (既然你用e-mail, 那就不要太拘謹而直接叫他/她老細好了)

Since I observed that my monthly salary was changed from $A to $B during the last two months. I would be grateful if you could let me know why or for any reason there were deduction for my salary.

Kindly investigate and let me know before my next salary paid.

With best regards,

2006-11-08 9:25 pm
Dear [Boss Name],

Sorry, I found that I am getting $B instead of $A for the last 2 months. I just want to know is it a human error by the bank or any changes I didn't know. Please advise.

Thank you and best regards,

[Your Name]

P.S. Using simple simple English, so it looks more like your own words. ^_^
I agree with the previous answer providers, make sure you keep a copy, and hopefully it's just a simple mistake by your boss....
參考: My Work Experience
2006-11-08 7:57 pm
Dear Mr / Mrs/ Ms (老闆的姓),

I am afraid I have received a reduced salary since (月份,年). It meant to be $A but I have only received $B. Is it a technical fault or my own mistakes? Please follow-up.

Your kind attention is highly appreciated.


教區勞工牧民中心 牛頭角:2351 6333; 柴灣:2143 5800 ; 上水:2668 9058。 這些中心都為所有打工仔女解釋任何勞資問題)
參考: 本人曾在教區勞工中心當義務英語導師
2006-11-08 7:53 pm
Dear (boss's name),

I'm writing this in regards to the salary difference for the last 2 months. I've been always getting paid for $XXX, however, the amount I received for the past 2 months is $XX.

Could I please trouble you to review the last 2 months account history? Please advise !

Thankyou in advance ~

Kind Regards,

(your name)

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