有位小姐話比班同僚聽University of Adelaide排名全澳洲第一,全球與牛津、劍橋齊名,我就一頭霧水...

2006-11-08 7:22 pm
有位小姐話比班同僚聽University of Adelaide排名全澳洲第一,全球與牛津、劍橋齊名,我就一頭霧水,佢講gei時候真係好鬼認真,一d都唔係講笑,大家比比意見,究竟佢有乜病﹖

回答 (3)

2006-11-09 9:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Univeristy of Adelaide is a good university. However, 'm not certain if it is the best amongst all other Australian universities. Well...I guess Univerisity of Sydney ranks better and higher than it, both locally and internationally. Here are some evidence...

Sydney arts and humanities confirmed as world's best

30 October 2006

In further confirmation of the University of Sydney's international standing, its humanities faculty has been judged the fifth best in the world by one of the most respected global ranking systems.

The Times Higher Education Supplement league table, released on the weekend,ranks only Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard and UC Berkeley higher than the University of Sydney in humanities.

The University of Sydney outperformed the ANU (6th), the University of Melbourne (7th), Yale (8th) and Princeton (9th).

The THES World University Rankings, now in its third year, is based on a survey of more than 3,700 academics and over 700 international graduate employers as well as measures including staff to student ratios. This year the University of Sydney was ranked 35 in the overall university rankings, up from 38 last year.

And in the recently published Newsweek global 100, the University of Sydney was one of two Australian universities placed in the top 50 in the world.

Sydney's latest success is largely due to its strengths in traditional humanities combined with its cutting edge work in new areas of teaching and research, said the Dean of Arts, Professor Stephen Garton.

"We have worked very hard over the last few years at sustaining the great humanities traditions of the world, including Classics, Sanskrit and the widest array of language offerings in the country. At the same time we are at the cutting edge of new developments in the humanities, particularly in the e-humanities area," he said.

Humanities at the University have undergone considerable renewal and revitalisation in recent years, Professor Garton said.

As well as significant successes in achieving ARC grants over the last few years, a number of major appointments, including the recruitment of top international scholars, have been made in disciplines such as history, philosophy, classics and the languages.

The current curriculum encourages students to view Australia, and their own contributions to the world, in a broader global context, said Professor Garton. "We have created a curriculum focused on international perspectives and cross cultural communication."

Each year 200 students spend time overseas as part of their degree, contributing to "a very dynamic and vital academic culture, with great scholars and excellent graduates," he said.

(Source: http://www.usyd.edu.au/news/84.html?newsstoryid=1410)
參考: Myself and USyd website
2006-11-08 8:36 pm
問: 有位小姐話比班同僚聽University of Adelaide排名全澳洲第一,全球與牛津、劍橋齊名,我就一頭霧水

答: 我只會看世界及澳洲本土大學排名榜黎定學校的排名及好壞.
第105 University of Adelaide

第8 University of Adelaide
參考網址: http://www.melbourneinstitute.com/publications/reports/MelbIndex.pdf

參考網址: http://www.go8.edu.au/

問: 佢講gei時候真係好鬼認真,一d都唔係講笑,大家比比意見,究竟佢有乜病﹖
答: 佢其實無病, 只不過佢或者佢既親朋戚友係讀University of Adelaide, 而且這所大學在世界排名及澳洲本土排名都很不錯. 她可能講個時跨張左少少, 這並不是一種病態. 這是都市人常見的一種炫耀手法. 佢想人地認同佢或佢既親朋戚友是一個叻人, 咁佢就可以威下囉. 就係咁簡單.

如你想了解更多有關澳洲大學及課程的概況, 可將問題寄去我的電郵信箱: [email protected] 或在此留言.
2006-11-08 7:30 pm
我住澳洲雪梨既,我自己係讀雪梨新南威爾斯大學,不過我唔覺得University of Adelaide排名全澳洲第一囉~

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