
2006-11-08 7:16 pm

回答 (5)

2006-11-08 7:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) HK$1500 + 信用卡
2) 街市hawker centre HK$10 (S$2) 一碟雞飯一碗粉 到大餐廳好貴都有
3) 整體比香港略平
4) 牛車水肉乾
2006-11-23 7:45 pm
3) 這個不對,因為新加坡有消售稅,所以商場內出售的例如衣褲鞋襪 (尤其是有牌子的貨品) 都比香港貴。
2006-11-13 8:10 am
我剛剛在新加坡旅遊回來, 兩人三日共使大概港幣2500, 食蟹最貴, 平時 foodcourt 食野用十元波紙左右, 手信可以買肉乾-要買林志源, 藥油-華安既, 不過係係泰山藥行買, 唔好係華安買, 會貴的, 其他既特別手信可買的小工藝, 例如傘啦, 用新航空姐制服既布做的, 再有問題電郵給我, 盡量解答你既問題.
參考: 去新加坡旅遊超過九次
2006-11-08 10:15 pm
我常常去新加坡的. 因公幹及後來家姐移左民過去嘛. 其實個邊 D 野一般同香港差唔多價錢. 普通去 Food Court $40 蚊落樓到啦. 手信呀, 去 supermarket 買好 D. 唔好響機場買呀. 差好遠 ka. 如有問題, 搵我啦.
2006-11-08 7:37 pm
A meal in an average restaurant would cost you about SGD 15 - 30, of cuz depending on where you eat and what you eat...but if you go cheap, you could go to food court and have a meal that would average SGD 7 - 12. Also, if there are someone who take you around, there are some hawker food which is very good, and relatively cheaper.

Shopping wise would be similar to HK's, but there is a 3% GST(Goods and Service Tax) on top of all goods, so there could be the difference

For souvenir, most people will buy 牛肉乾,肉鬆.Some will also buy different type of 藥油. Explore around, you shall see something interesting. ^_^

Hope this is useful
參考: Myself

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