BMW, Mini, Rolls-Royce

2006-11-08 6:58 pm
請問Mini 同 Rolls-Royce係咪BMW收購番黎?

回答 (3)

2006-11-08 10:14 pm
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BMW, did bought Mini and Rolls-Royce! That's why the new mini cooper is using a lot BMW technology rather than normal british car! So some said the mini is no longer a pure british car, so in England, the mini is not that famous! But Rolls-Royce are different due to it is a very luxury car, nobody cares who made it! The wealthy man will still buy it!
參考: i m an automobile engineer
2006-11-09 12:54 am
Mini Cooper and Rolls Royce, both are the old British branded cars, now they are well developed and made by BMW with German technology of somewhat high efficiency.

The two car brands used to be owned by Leyland, then Rover Co, which were later bought out by Honda in the 1980's, however they were finally transferred to BMW in the late 1990's.

The synergetic effects could be realized with the combination of the British heritage & prestigious image and Deutsch advanced car technology, that have been appreciated by the world customers and of the baby bloomers, and even by British people who have mostly admitted lousy British car technology--easily got rust, low reliability high fuel consumption and low driving pleasure.

The Mini brand was an entry car model with economic price in UK in 1960, now it has been repositioned as a high brand by BMW tapping the market niche for yuppies, and new rich and young groups who would admire something differences. It is becoming the Cash Cow of BMW that generates very big profit since the 2000s

New Roll Royce is also injected with the ingredients of German high-tech of electronic devices, high efficiency and new comfort tapping for the traditional old rich groups
參考: Car enthusiast
2006-11-08 8:39 pm

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