What is Magic?(anser me in English)

2006-11-08 6:07 pm
What is Magic?(anser me in English)

回答 (2)

2006-11-08 8:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
magic noun [U]

1. the use of special powers to make things happen which would usually be impossible, such as in stories for children:
The group are known for their belief in witchcraft and magic.
As if by magic/Like magic, the car changes into a boat when it hits the water.

2. the skill of performing tricks to entertain people, such as making things appear and disappear and pretending to cut someone in half:
He's a comedian who also does magic.

magic adjective

1. with special powers:
The witch put a magic spell on the prince and turned him into a frog.
I'll show you a magic trick.

2. happening in an unusual or unexpected way, or easily or quickly:
There's no magic solution to the problem.
There's no magic formula for winning - just lots of hard work.
參考: Cambridge Dictionaries
2006-11-08 6:13 pm
Magic Explanation

Magic in Balamb Comes in 3 levels here is a rundown of each element and their levels
Lv.1 Fire
Lv.2 Fira
Lv.3 FiragaThunder
Lv.1 Thunder
Lv.2 Thundara
Lv.3 Thundaga

Lv.1 Quake
Lv.2 Break
Lv.3 major Quake (all enemies)

Lv.1 wind
Lv.2 Blast
Lv.3 Tornado (all enemies)

Lv.1 Water
Lv.2 Flood
Lv.3 Tidal Wave

Lv.1 Blizzard
Lv.2 Blizara
Lv.3 Blizaga

Space (rare)
Lv.1 gravity
Lv.2 (none)
Lv.3 Gravija (very powerful but uses 3 magical items of level 3 to make one)

Lv.1 (none)
Lv.2 Dark holy
Lvv.3 (none)

Lv.1 (none)
Lv.2 Holy
Lv.3 (none)

Lv.1 slice
Lv.2 sabre
Lv.3 Ultima

Lv.1 Sheild (magic defence), Shell (Physichal Defense)
Lv.2 Sheilda, Shella, Wall (sheild and shell together)
Lv.3 Walla (sheilda and shella together) Sheildaga, Shellaga

Lv.1 Darkness, Fury, Sadness and berserk, sleep
Lv.2 Silence, Poison, Confusion, Doom, (doom gives enemy 60 seconds to live)
Lv.3 Paralysis (leaves you out of the battle until healed this means death or loss if there are no allies)
Lv.4 (2 level 3 items required) Maelstrom (Poison, silence and sleep cast at once)

Lv.1 slow
Lv.2 Haste
Lv.3 stop

Magic Items
These items can be refined into magic using your GF
Lv.1 M-stone piece, screw, normal ammo, daggers
Lv.2 Magic stone, sword, cactuar's tail, undead horn, turtle shell
Lv.3. mystic blade, long sword, wizard stone, explosive ammo, t-rexaurs bone (if you kill a t-rexaur you get 15)

if you decide to find an item that isn't named here take it to squall (in the story line) and he'll tell you what it's worth happy hunting and please be fair when you get items

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