Team & Group的人数

2006-11-08 5:52 pm
团体里面成日听人讲Team或Group, 咁究竟几多人可以叫做Team? 几多人可以叫做Group?定系两者都可以共用?

回答 (3)

2006-11-10 5:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The difference between 'team' and 'group' does not really matter with the number.

Group is some people randomly gathering and doing something easy, while Team is a group of people, but they have a common goal to achieve.

So you'll say you are in a basketball team (<-- aims to win), rather than in a basketball group (<-- sounds like just for fun)

Hope it helps.
2006-11-08 6:09 pm
Team - usually less 2 to 10 people
-team members have the same job duties OR task
-team members need to cooperate with the others
e.g. basktball team, singing team, work team, accounting team, English team, etc.

Group - 2 to many
-GROUP has a wider meaning whereas TEAM has a narrower meaning.
-group people of the same characteristics
e.g. Hong Kong Group, African Group, women group, youth group, etc.
2006-11-08 5:54 pm
不過一定要最少每group or team有2人。
參考: 自己

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