
2006-11-08 8:12 am
究竟邊隻牌子好?有人話hp printer要黑色同彩色墨都有才可列印,但我95%都印黑,又有人話epson分開四色墨盒好,又有人話epson d機衰,有邊隻形號好,墨水平,請大家比d意見~

回答 (1)

2006-11-08 8:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
i now using epson cx4100 , before i uses i think the price of the printer & the ink are cheap. Quickly , i discovered the speed of using the ink is so far that i only print not more than 50 papers, most of t hem in black, than i need buy all 4 colours ink.

And i think that hp or laser printer are better .
Although hp printer & ink are expensive , but it is quite 耐用 and have a acceptable quality.
參考: ME

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