BF2142 連線問題

2006-11-08 6:59 am
近日bf2142連去EA AU都入唔到 PING 去到成幾百....唔知你地有冇同樣問題?!有時LOGIN都入唔到......

回答 (2)

2006-11-08 7:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Are you playing the BF2142 demo,BF2142 full version 0.0 or BF2142 0.01?

If you are playing the BF2142 demo then buy the full version first because the demo version has a LOT of problems

If you are playing the the BF2142 full version 0.0 then download the 0.01 patch first

If you are playing the the BF2142 full version 0.01 then read my words below

There is no server in Hong Kong

You have to connect to some servers far away form Hong Kong so the PING is VERY HIGH!!

I have the same PROBLEM too!!

I like to go to servers like form Japan, Thailand or Korea so that the PING is not so high!!

Because they are nearer form Hong Kong

EA said they will make a server in Hong Kong but I dont trust them

Is it that after you press login , it says Contacting EA master

and you wait a LONG time but cannot login?

just REBOOT your computer!! (重新開機)

I had the same problem last month now dont have!!

2006-11-08 17:13:12 補充:
Wait for EA to make a server in Hong Kong la!!可能要等好耐!!
參考: my game experience
2006-11-11 11:40 pm
香港 BF2141 SERVER 預定投入服務日期.


10:40pm "最新獨家消息"
剛收到 H.K.E.A. 人員通報...有關香港 BF2141 SERVER 預定投入服務日期.
12月上旬 - 測試 SERVER 性能,為期約一星期, 本隊榮幸能參與測試 SERVER 計劃.
12月下旬 - 如無任何意外, 香港 BF2141 SERVER 投入服務.

同時本隊非常感謝 H.K.E.A. 能達成各人心願.


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