點解航空公司仲要係飛機上serve 酒??

2006-11-08 5:27 am
我想清楚點解醉酒佬會另到有意外發生, 但航空公司仲要係機上serve酒? 係咪吾serve佢地既損失真係好大?

同埋佢地可以點train 班crew去解決呢個問題呢??

回答 (3)

2006-11-08 6:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Providing wine product onboard was started by Western carriers are those European have a good knowledge and understand of wine and related product... As fart that they have different wine for different type of meat that they eat... And as wine is part of a meal in Europe, they have to serve wine during meal time...
Slowly to now, people drinking too much and getting drunk is a big issue not only for airlines, but also for society... So sometimes drunk people do cause huge distruptions during flight and cause problems like fighting etc...
It is easy to tell airlines just to cut wine product onboard so passenger cannot get drunk... But which airlines will dare start doing that? As this would not be a good move as its against the majority who like drinking wine as part of the meal and hardly get drunk...
As there is still only a minority who get drunk onboard... I think its not necessary for airlines to cut wine product to go against the majority... So best way may be for the airlines to control the wine consumption for passenger...
For now, majority of the airlines only get crew to define if the passenger is drunk or not by asking them questions and crew have the right to stop serving wine product to a passenger who they think could be drunk or close to drunk... But of course this differ between crew... And usually airlines would tell crew to inform each other of which passenger should not consume anymore wine product... To hopefully aviod passenger getting drunk...
If the situation became too unstable... The captain do have the choice to divert the flight to off load the drunk passenger... Or to force it seat still in his/her seat if she is causeing trouble... Although the crew dont have much training on facing drunk passenger, but the ISM would and the captain have the right then to do anything if he think that passenger is causing problem...
2006-11-09 3:23 am
酒只可以o係VIP, Flist Class 同 Business 先有酒Serve...
1./ 坐得哩D位既都係好定性...
2./ 我o個次坐First Class 我聽到D人講烈酒只係Serve好少,好似只係可以飲3杯
3./ 如果有人醉酒,佢應該唔會發顛...因為FA會用安全帶扣住佢,然後搵暖毛巾「Fu」佢額頭,將張椅調至135度,
4./ 唔會損失, 因為機票錢包埋酒錢...一D都唔蝕.......

FA係Flight Attendent ( as you know... )
參考: o係First Clas 親身「睇」驗..........
2006-11-08 9:30 am
有人要drink = =

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