
2006-11-08 3:02 am

回答 (4)

2006-11-10 8:57 pm
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Japanese Fried Bean Curd.....日式炸豆腐...http://www.ajinomoto .com.hk
Ingredient:Bean Curd 1piece, Seaweed 1sheet, Plum meat 1/2 teaspoon, Hot chili sauce 1 teaspoon, Flour Appropriate amount
Sauce for Seaweed:Soy sauce 1 tablespoon, Rice wine 1 tablespoon
HON-DASHI 1 teaspoon, Water 3/4 cup, Soy sauce 2 tablespoon,
Vinegar 1 tablespoon
Cooking Method:1. Cut the bean curd into four big pieces¡Athen empty the inside.
2,Boil the condiments and leave it cold.
3. Soak the seaweed in the seaweed sauce, use low heat to boil until the sauce becomes dry, leave it cold then mix with plum meat and hot chili sauce.
4,Stuff the seaweed mix inside the bean curds¡Acover it with bean curd grains and flour. Fry them in oil with mid-fire. Leave them dry then shower with condiments and chopped shallots.
Braised Pork with Mui Choi .....簡易梅菜扣肉 http://www.towngascooking.com

Ingredients:Pork belly 1pc (600g)、Ginger 8 slices、 Spring Onion 4 stalks、Chicken marinade 1-1/2 cups、Shaoshing wine 2 tbsps、Water 3 cups、Mui Choi (chopped) 6 taels (240g)、Sugar 2 tsps
Cooking method:
1. Wash pork belly, cover with water and parboil for 10 minutes together with 4 slices ginger and 2 stalks spring onion, remove and rinse.
2. Add the rest of the ginger, spring onion and water to the chicken marinade and bring to boil.
3. Add pork belly and wine, simmer for 45 minutes.
4. Mix mui choi with sugar and spread over pork. Pour in 3/4 cup of the sauce, steam for 1/2 an hour. Overturn pork pieces onto a plate and serve.
Fried Kimchi Dumplings....\泡菜煎餃子
Ingredients:Dough wrapper 4 taels (160 grams), Minced pork 6 taels (240 grams),
Kimchi 4 taels (160 grams)
Condiments:Soy sauce 1 tablespoon, Oyster sauce 1 tablespoon, Flour 1 tablespoon, Oil 1 teaspoon, Aji-Shio Salt 1/2 teaspoon, Sugar 1/4 teaspoon, Aji-Shio Pepper A little, Sesame oil A little
Method:1,Finely chopped the kimchi
2,Place pork and kimchi in a big bowl, add in condiments and mix them well.
3,Put one teaspoon of filing on each wrapper and fold it into half circles. Heat a wok, put in oil and four cups of water. Place the dumplings in and use slow heat to fly them for 10 minutes until the water is dry and the dumplings' base turns to yellow.

2006-11-09 5:29 am
Dessert Recipe

Strawberry pudding
1) 210 grammas of strawberries
2) 180 grammas of evaporated milk
3) 180 grammas of water
4) 3 teaspoons of plain genlatine
5) 4 tablespoons of sugar
6) 2 tablespoons of hot water
1) Mix the plain genlatine and the hot water together.
2) Bring the evaporated milk, water and sugar to boil. Let cool.
3) Pick 2-3 strawberries and cut them into cubes. The rest mince in a blender. Mix all the strawberries with milk.
4) Stir the genlatine dilution into the mixture and divide it into 3-4 cups. Chill well.

Strawberry and banana pancakes
1) 1 egg
2) Some butter
3) Some flour
4) Some milk
5) Some strawberries
6) Some bananas
7) Some cream
1) Mix an egg and some butter with the flour in a bowl. Add in some milk and some water.
2) Heat the pan and put the mixture into the pan. Fly to make a pancake. Make more pancakes.
3) Slice some strawberries and some bananas. Put a few slices of strawberries and a few slices of bananas on the pancake.
4) Add some cream on the top of the strawberries and bananas. Fold the pancake.

Steamed egg and milk custard
1) 1 bottle of fresh milk
2) 2 large eggs
3) 2tbsp of sugar
1) Beat the eggs. Add sugar and milk. Strain and save the liquid.
2) Pour the beaten egg mixture into a bowl. Cover with a sheet of aluminium foil. Steam over low heat for 30 minutes. Serve hot or chilled.

Pumpkin pudding
1) 1lb of pumpkin meat
2) 1 cups of coconut milk
3) 1 cups of milk
4) 2tbsp of geletine
5) 1/2 cup sugar
6) 3/4 cup of corn starch
7) 11/2 cups of water
1) Chop the pumpkin meat and pan-fly it for 30 minutes.
2) Blend the pumpkin meat with coconut milk and milk.
3) Heat the wok and pour in water and add in geletine and sugar.
4) Pour it in the pumpkin mixture and pour in the corn starch water gently. After reaching boiling, turn off the heat.
5) Pour the pumpkin mixture into the cup. Cool down and fringe for 3-4 hours. Ready to serve.

Peach jelly cake
1) 4 pieces of peach
2) 1 packet of jelly powder
1) Work 1 cup of boiled water into jelly powder and blend well. Allow to cool.
2) Drain the peach. Add into the jelly powder liquid. Chill until set. Ready to serve.

Kiwi fruit pudding
1) 4 kiwi fruits
2) 8 tbsp of cornflour
3) 1 cup of sugar
4) 1 cup of fresh milk
5) 2 eggs
1) Skin and dice the kiwi fruit.
2) Work 1/2 cup of water into cornflour. Blend well. Bring 1 cup of water to the boil over the low heat with sugar, milk and cornflour solution. Keep on stirring in one direction before it boils.
3) Beat the eggs and gradually add in the mixture. Stir well. Remove from heat. Add in kiwi fruit. Chill until set. Serve.

Mango pudding
1) 3 mangoes
2) 2 cups of milk
3) 1 cup of milk
4) 1 cup of fresh cream
5) 2/3 cup of sugar
6) 2 1/2 tbsp of gelatine
1) Dissolve the gelatine in 5 tbsp of water.
2) Peel the mangoes and dice one, set aside. Put the rest into the blender and add in fresh milk, blend over high speed.
3) Heat water; add in sugar and the gelatine solution. Heat until melted and set aside.
4) Stir the mixture into the mango milk.
5) Beat the fresh cream with an egg whisk until stiff, fold in the mixture. Add in the diced mango and mix well. Dish up and chill for at least 4 hours.

Melting chocolate pudding
1) 250g of plain chocolate
2) 250g of butter
3) 180g of plain flour
4) 100g of plain flour
5) 4 eggs
1) Sift the plain flour and heat indirectly over hot water until the chocolate is melt. Melt the butter.
2) Beat the egg and mix in the sugar little by little, beat until stiff.
3) Add the sifted plain flour and fold in a rubber spatula.
4) Fold in the melted butter and the chocolate gently.
5) Pour into the greased pudding mold. Bake for 8-10 minutes at 220C.
2006-11-08 3:31 am
Remember: This diet should only be followed for 7 days at a time, with at least two weeks in between.

Day One:
Fruit: Eat all of the fruit you want (except bananas). Eat only your soup and the fruit for the first day. For drinks- unsweetened teas, cranberry juice and water.

Day Two:
Vegetables: Eat until you are stuffed will all fresh, raw or cooked vegetables of your choice. Try to eat leafy green vegetables and stay away from dry beans, peas and corn. Eat all the vegetables you want along with your soup. At dinner, reward yourself with a big baked potato with butter. Do not eat fruit today.

Day Three:
Mix Days One and Two: Eat all the soup, fruits and vegetables you want. No Baked Potato.

Day Four:
Bananas and Skim Milk: Eat as many as eight bananas and drink as many glasses of skim milk as you would like on this day, along with your soup. This day is supposed to lessen your desire for sweets.

Day Five:
Beef And Tomatos: Ten to twenty ounces of beef and up to six fresh tomtoes. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water this day to wash the uric acid from your body. Eat your soup at least once this day. You may eat broiled or baked chicken instead of beef (but absolutely no skin-on chicken). If you prefer, you can substitute broiled fish for the beef one one of the beef days (but not both).

Day Six:
Beef and Vegetables: Eat to your heart's content of beef and vegetables this day. You can even have 2 or 3 steaks if you like, with leafy green vegetables. No Baked Potato. Eat your soup at least once.

Day Seven:
Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices and vegetables: Again stuff, stuff, stuff yourself. Be sure to eat your soup at least once this day.
2006-11-08 3:24 am
Kung Pao Chicken


a) 1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken
1 tbsp. cornstarch mixed with 2 tbsp. water
b) 1 tbsp. cooking wine
1 1/2 tbsp. white vinegar
1 tsp. chopped garlic
2 tbsp. soy sauce
2 tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. cornstarch mixed with 1 tbsp. water
c) 10 dried chilies
5 green onions (tops)
1/3 cup salted peanuts
d) 2 tbsp. oil

print recipe
Place one pound of boneless, skinless chicken on the cutting board. Cut the chicken into bit sized pieces. Any type of chicken meat may be used for this recipe as long as it has no bones or skin. You may also wish you remove any excess fat. Chicken is an economical buy year-round. When you have cut all of the chicken, place it into a bowl. Add one table of cornstarch which has been mixed well with two tablespoons of water. Mix well with a spatula making sure that all the chicken is coated with the cornstarch mixture. Marinate the chicken while preparing the next step.

Make a sauce of the following: one tablespoons of cooking wine, one and one half tablespoons of white vinegar, one teaspoon of finely chopped garlic, two tablespoons of soy sauce, two tablespoons of sugar, and one teaspoon of cornstarch mixed with one tablespoon of water. Set aside five green onion tops sliced into half inch pieces, ten dried chilies, and one third cup of salted peanuts.

Put two tablespoons of oil into a pan and heat over medium high heat. Now add the chicken mixture that has been marinated and cook stirring constantly. This dish, as with many Chinese dishes, calls for cooking several ingredients separately, then combining them at the end to reheat altogether just before serving. When the chicken turns white and tender, you'll remove it to a plate.

Into a clean pan, put one tablespoon of oil. Heat again over medium high heat and add the dried chilies. Cook stirring until the chilies darken. This will add a wonderful color to this dish. When the chilies have darkened, add the green onion that you have sliced, and then add the salted peanuts. Cook stirring constantly so that all ingredients heat through. The chilies give a distinctive color and aroma and flavor to this dish. Add the previously cooked chicken. Now, add the sauce that was set aside. Fold the mixture and continue cooking until the chicken becomes lightly browned. Continuing stir frying until most of the liquid dissipates. When all ingredients are heated through, remove the pan and placed cooked kung pao chicken onto a serving platter. Add your favorite garnish. Kung pao chicken, one of the most highly sought dishes in a good Chinese restaurant is a spicy dish characteristic of the region of Szechuan . Those who enjoy hot dishes will especially enjoy this one and we recommend serving with steamed rice.


Ingredients: 1) one pound of boneless, skinless chicken. One tablespoon of cornstarch mixed with two tablespoons of water. 2) One tablespoon of cooking wine. One and one half tablespoons of white vinegar. One teaspoon of chopped garlic. Two tablespoons of soy sauce. Two tablespoons of sugar. One teaspoon of cornstarch mixed with one tablespoon of water. 3) Ten dried chilies. Five green onion tops. One third cup salted peanuts. 4) Two tablespoons of oil and one tablespoon of oil .

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