你是否有年霄經驗? 有經驗請進!

2006-11-08 2:45 am
1). 年霄是否容易賺錢?
2). 賣什麼比較好?
3). 有否貨源資料, 如網址或圖片?

回答 (3)

2006-11-08 8:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have experience before. My suggestion is to source as cheapest goods as you can, such as infated toy, low price premium etc. Ideally, buy an item at $0.1 and sell it to $1. Never try anything delux, people not expect to buy Rolex in a market.

go to a book store find a book something named "purchase in Guang Zhou" ....
2006-11-08 9:36 am
1) Of course not
2) New design product
3) http://www.eliteport.com/
參考: Me
2006-11-08 2:59 am
1. No
2. Check from the market which products are heat and good selling.
3. Visit tdctrade.com

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