11月 8日就要交Free Writing啦!!急

2006-11-08 1:40 am
11月 8日就要交Free Writing啦!!急

題目:Do you belive in ghosts? Why or why not?




回答 (1)

2006-11-08 3:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
The word Ghost has its etymology rooted in middle english gost; old English gAst. Dictionary defines it as the seat of life or intelligence; a disembodied soul; a spirit or demon; a faint shadowy trace... Certainly the understanding and preception of Ghost is highly individualized and influenced by cultural backgrounds. A five years old child may believe a ghost is akin to Casper while a scientist may deemed ghost as merely a poltergeist and nothing supernatural. The reason of this seemingly unproductive introduction is to point out that in order to understand human beliefs, including my own, in regards to ghost, we need to understand what one sees as ghost. At this point I can say, although as paradoxical as it may now seem, I do believe and I do not believe in ghost simultaneously. I do not consider myself strange or deviant, and further I believe that this notion subsists in the philosophy of most of us. A mere demonstration of the inextricably linked paradox of human imagination and philosophy.

What I consider as Ghost is rudimentary to the ongoing discussion of my beliefs. Sometimes I believe ghost exist, and manifested in my parents when they shouted at me for not finishing homework. In a blink of an eye, the loving parents turned devilish and demonic, and I believed that to be the work of a ghostly supernatural. Yet it has to be made known that the above notion is not the basis to which I believe the existence of ghosts, but is just an re-iteration of the importance of the individual definition of ghost. I truly believes in this vast nature and the presence of various under-explained or unexplainable phenomena, that some supernatural power must exist. Ghosts or Gods alike, there must be a high probability that they do, in fact, exist. The topic of Ghost and experience with Ghost had been a hot topic with personal experience and photographic evidence. Although substantial proofs are lacking, but there is a Chinese idiom that state, [there may be a reason why wind is blowing from within a cave]. Base purely on statistical analysis, one is bound by virtue to believe in ghost.

My personal philosophy, however, gives me second thoughts on believing. Seeing is believing --- that is my motto. Regrettably, or fortunately, I have no such experience. Many of us run into the same problem when consulted with supernatural. While many of us believe their presence, few of us had personal experience and even fewer retained proof of their encounter. In the fewest of case, even if there is potential proof, the interference of scientific explanation had cast further doubt on the authenicity of the supernatural evidence. We are thus bound by reasoning to disbelieve, for there is no proof beyond any reasonable doubt, not even there exists proof on the balance of probability to support this preposition.

The struggle between believing and not believing is not a struggle of material proofs and disproofs. It is a struggle within the human conscious. I was not wrong to say that most, if not all of us had this struggle. For those who took sides saying they believe or disbelieve, they surely had struggled which side to take before reaching a conclusion. Ultimately they may be fooled by how the question was phrased.... Do you believe in Ghost? Why or why not? They were forced to say either yes or no, but in many things in life there may not be a simple why or why not. Here, to sum to a concluding statement, I re-iterate myself to answer this question: Admittingly, I do believe and I do not believe in ghost simultaneously. And without asking you why, allowing your imagination and philosophy to work together, do you believe in Ghost?
參考: myself.. it's a great piece of illusionary essay.!

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