想 hold 住件貨, 叫間公司唔出貨住點寫 (要 完整句子)

2006-11-08 12:31 am
我有 d 貨, 因為地盤個面出左問題, so 想 叫間公司稍我 hold 住d 貨唔出住,
點寫 ?

回答 (2)

2006-11-08 12:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
Please hold the stock for delivery on a later date until further notice. Sorry for any inconvenience.

在獲取另外通知前請將貨品暫時寄存在貴公司.不便之處, 敬請原諒.
參考: me!
2006-11-08 12:37 am
please do not send the shhipment till any further notice, please return your acknowledge

2006-11-07 16:38:02 補充:
sorry 串錯字....shipment instead of shhipment

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