
2006-11-07 11:20 pm
如題,仲有呢佢地有冇PE堂架 一個星期有幾多 堂上會做d咩架??thx

回答 (2)

2006-11-07 11:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am a university student and lesson have 1, 1.5, 2 or 3 hours, different subject or universities have different schedule, normally we will call 1 hour is tutor, 2 and 3 hours lesson is lecture~

in university, we not have PE lesson but we can join some extra curricula activities, it is not compulsory to take ge~ how many lessons per week just according to how many subject you take in semester la, normally one subject need to have three hours per week la and maximun we can take 6 subjects in one semester~

also we will have discussion, presentation, test, debate, write report and learning in the lesson~

hope that I can answer you questions la~
2006-11-08 12:25 am
The timetable can be tailor made. Because you can choose your own credits in each semaster. Some of my friends only have to attend 3 lectures a week, each lecture takes one hour and 15 mins. Of course, there may be tutorial lesson, lab sessions, so it depends on your major.
And you have to take PE lessones first year in CUHK. 2 lessons a week. And there're viariety of choices, like squash ball, softball, badminton, tennis...It's fun.

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