新手上路 (最佳回答 10 分 )

2006-11-07 11:16 pm
剛剛買了一部pentex 相機, 型號m10, 由於我是dc 新手, 想請教 :

最好回答詳盡一點, 有機會取得10分~~

1. 點解我部dc 拍短片時用唔到閃光燈既 ? 咁如果夜晚想拍viedo 點算, 我試過拍, 但好暗, 有咩方法可解決 ??

2. 大家有冇d好書介紹係for新手學數碼攝影既呢 ?

3. 三腳架大概要幾錢, 越平越好, 同埋邊度有得買 ?

回答 (6)

2006-11-13 2:53 am
✔ 最佳答案

1. You cannot use the flash to take video, the best way to do is to buy a portable flash (the one that come with a stand for DSLR). The light will be adjustable, by pointing to different angles, the light will be a lot softer. However, the price may be pretty high, so the cheaper way will be getting a beginning lightening set, which should cost about $200-$500.

2. There are a lot of good books, but the best way will be to learn specific for your camera. I suggest you go online to search for reviews on books before making any purchases.

3. Tripod could be very cheap, but I suggest the one that have a tight lock on top (which hold the camera), a good grip on handle (which you should try it first), also a metal body (especially the legs). Check the tripod before you buy it, set it in different lengths, and use the handle to turn your camera to see if it's smooth or not. Especially to check if there is excess "oil" on the tripod, because if it does, which means it is grease with cheap oil, which means once the oil dries out, then the parts will get tight.

I hope I can help you *^.^* Have fun with your camera.
參考: Me
2006-11-08 6:03 pm
1. 唔好玩啦閃光燈只可以一野野咁閃. 你留意一下佢閃一下係好光架, 閃得多支燈係熱架, 用好多電架, 所以一定唔可以長時間著.
你要既係照明用既大光燈, 有o的DV會有呢種配件賣, 你可以買黎裝係部DC上便 (一定冇位要改裝)
2. 買本雜誌睇下啦~ 大部份攝影雜誌都會有讀者投稿. 睇人點影然後試下複製返出黎. 我地都係咁練.
3. 三腳架要迷你既(只有10cm高)一百蚊以內, 大部份晒相舖/相機舖都有得賣. 細細支用黎將部DC放係枱面上便或者其他位置.
要大支o的既(大約100-130cm高)去旺角永成萬成搵搵, 大約HK$350有交易. 鴨記都得, 有間舖頭會有得賣但係間野冇舖頭名......

2006-11-08 14:17:52 補充:
呀有關第一題旺角會有得賣一隻配件用黎扮柄燈既,原理係將原本放係機頂既閃光燈放係相機旁邊,用呢個應該可以將支大光燈裝係你部DC側邊.(不過買燈時要睇清楚個MOUNT O岩唔O岩裝)
2006-11-07 11:25 pm
Every digital camera cannot use flash to take the video clips because the flash is forbidden. If you want to take video clips at the nighttime, you may use the "night vision" of the camera if it has. If not, use the "ISO photosensitive index" to adjust to the suitable degree.

The best books of all should be "digital Camera Bible".

The tripods should be bought in Mongkok, Central. It costs around several hundred dollars.

2006-11-07 11:24 pm
大多數DC 短片模式都唔會有閃燈,有d Sony DC 會有夜攝功能。
2006-11-07 11:23 pm
2006-11-07 11:19 pm
i dont know but i think you should ask the sells of the shop

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