
2006-11-07 10:01 pm
沒有經驗, 但讀過一年室內設計, 有人會請嗎 ?

回答 (3)

2006-11-07 10:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你照上網搵工囉~ 無話唔請既~ 只不過會比人壓個價低d姐~

搵d junior designer或draftman都得~ 有d工雖然標明要1-2年經驗~
但其實都會請fresh grad或無經驗既人.

如果真係搵唔到, 最後先上勞工處網度搵~ 因為那些工要求會更低.
但相對人工方面都會仲低. 但起碼搵到份工做下, 儲下經驗先再搵更好的工嘛~
參考: 自己意見
2006-11-07 11:21 pm
會 ~
你應該搵 d 請 assistant interior designer
or junior interior designer
但初初可能只會做住 draftsman 既野
2006-11-07 10:39 pm
sure~if you have taken any course in interior design field, there must be chance.
But you have to understand, the wage is not very attractive without relevant experience. Probably 7K-8K depends on your education level. And you will be a draftman when you take the post.
There are lots of interior design shops in Tou Gua Wan in Kowloon and Wan Chai in HK island. But you have to bear in mind dat, the job probably has to work in weekend.

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