Is it possible to find a event planning job in HK?

2006-11-07 9:37 pm
I am a university graduate and have some experience in advertising company.
I have a great enthusiasm in event planning works, like party planning, wedding planning, designer brands press conference organizing, cocktails etc.

Is it possible to find a such kinda job in HK? Any event planner company in HK? well-known or not dat famous will all be alright.
Do I need to take any relavent courses which makes me easiler to get into this industry? If do, where I can find these courses. Thanks

回答 (2)

2006-11-07 9:55 pm
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yes, HK has event co. some will also involve in design / ad.
You have work exp in ad agency, right? it can help u to find job in event co. But u have to prepare it as harsh as ad agency.
u have to meet bitch cleint, meet their unrealistic tight budget, finish job within a short period. u have to be creative, and good network for sourcing for differnet permium for the event

u may even find some PR co to try.

need not to take course. many ppl w/o formal training can also work as event planner. u have to be outgoing, like chit chat w/ stanger, play, have new idea...

Lots of event co in HK, check the job AD website u can see the openings. In traidtion, yr end is their peak season, many functions ar ma.

some mag also help client to organise event, u may try
and some co also organise event by their mkt/ mkt com dept

if u want to exposure more, better to work in agence instead of in-house
2006-11-08 3:21 am
Event planning, try to work for HK convention and exhibition or Asia World Expo.

Always need to plan since a lot of event will be held there.

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