
2006-11-07 9:23 pm
假如我下年11 月去澳洲讀書
我應該幾時apply 同搵agent 搞?
另外,我係咪要考試 ? itles 試 ?
幾時考 最岩 ?
係咪一定要過6.5 先唔使讀foundation ?
點先可以有6.5 分?

咁如果搵agent 搞
我係咪咩都唔使做 ?

最後,邊間agent 係for 澳洲留學 ? 邊間好d ?

回答 (2)

2006-11-07 9:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
well.... if u are study in university.. there will be two semester in Feb and July (or summer semester start in NOV)

if you study in tafe ... must of them have three semester!
However, the scholl may ask you to take the language school forst, so i is depends on your personal situation!

if You need to go Aus in next Nov...
at least you will need 3 months to prepare
but i will suggest you to start to planning it now
because... you need to prepare so many stuffs

First you need to choose a sch, if you cant reach the standad that sch needed you may need to take the IELTS or the english college that under that sch!

Foundation is not the only solution, there are cert, Diploma, Tafe or even high school to link you to the university!

so it is not a must to enter foundation, depends on the uni that u choose!
But 5 marks is almost equal to the HKCEE C or D
that means 6.5 equal to A or B

what i want to say is there is not free luch in the world
if u expected to do nothing.... i will suggect you to stay in HK, Since you will not be able to manage yourself when you are in Australia!

Agent will help you to manage many thing, but they can not help you to do everything, they can help you to booking for the interview, but they cant do that of you, at least you need to take the IELTS, interview with school, bodycheck or apply the Visa by your own!!!!!!!!!!!!

IDP and AEA did not charge, they staff is nice, but they have too many students... in each time, so their sevice not very personal

(IASC)Introducing Australia Studies Centre is ok...

No agent will do all the stuffs for you, but if you need personal service i think you better find a indiviual agents!
參考: me!
2006-11-07 10:43 pm
澳洲foundation基本上有好多開學日期, 大學只有7月同2月.
如果你會考有c, (有些學校只要d) 唔同ielts 便可以讀foundaiont了, 另一個不考試的方法就是考它的入學試, or 讀英文班, 不過英文班可以說是浪費時間和 金錢.

好多agent 都會做澳洲留學, 比較出名的有idp, aec 等, (地址在wanchai). agent 會幫你寄學費, 資料給學校, 你只要記得交學費, 驗身就得. 只於機票... 不太清楚, 不過我想大多agent 也不會幫.
但要記得.. 給agent 做不等於可以不理, 因為他們也有做錯野的時候, 有時要吹下佢地做野先得..
參考: 來澳5年的我..

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