
2006-11-07 9:08 pm

回答 (2)

2006-11-07 9:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
政務司司長辦公室 政務司司長 許仕仁
財政司司長辦公室 財政司司長 唐英年
律政司 律政司司長 黃仁龍
房屋及規劃地政局 房屋及規劃地政局局長 孫明揚
教育統籌局 教育統籌局局長 李國章
生福利及食物局 生福利及食物局局長 周一嶽
公務員事務局 公務員事務局局長 俞宗怡
民政事務局 民政事務局局長 何志平
經濟發展及勞工局 經濟發展及勞工局局長 葉澍
環境運輸及工務局 環境運輸及工務局局長 廖秀冬
財經事務及庫務局 財經事務及庫務局局長 馬時亨
政制事務局 政制事務局局長 林瑞麟
保安局 保安局局長 李少光
工商及科技局 工商及科技局局長 王永平
警務處 警務處處長 李明逵
廉政公署 廉政專員 羅范椒芬
審計署 審計署署長 鄧國斌
香港海關 海關關長 湯顯明
入境事務處 入境事務處處長 黎棟國

Principal Officials
Chief Secretary for Administration's Office Chief Secretary for Administration
Mr Rafael Hui Si-yan

Financial Secretary's Office Financial Secretary Mr Henry Tang Ying-yen

Department of Justice Secretary for Justice Mr Wong Yan-lung

Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands Mr Michael Suen Ming-yeung

Education and Manpower Bureau Secretary for Education and Manpower Professor Arthur Li Kwok-cheung

Health, Welfare and Food Bureau
Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food Dr York Chow Yat-ngok

Civil Service Bureau Secretary for the Civil Service Miss Denise Yue Chung-yee

Home Affairs Bureau Secretary for Home Affairs Dr Patrick Ho Chi-ping

Economic Development and Labour Bureau
Secretary for Economic Development and Labour Mr Stephen Ip Shu-kwan

Environment, Transport and Works Bureau
Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works Dr Sarah Liao Sau-tung

Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau
Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Mr Frederick Ma Si-hang

Constitutional Affairs Bureau
Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Mr Stephen Lam Sui-lung

Security Bureau Secretary for Security Mr Ambrose Lee Siu-kwong

Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau
Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology Mr Joseph Wong Wing-ping

Hong Kong Police Commissioner of Police Mr Lee Ming-kwai

Independent Commission Against Corruption
Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption
Mrs Fanny Law Fan Chiu-fun

Audit Commission Director of Audit Mr Benjamin Tang Kwok-bun

Customs and Excise Department Commissioner of Customs and Excise Mr Timothy Tong Hin-ming

Immigration Department Director of Immigration Mr Lai Tung-kwok
2006-11-07 9:33 pm
霍英東(Henry Fok,1923年5月10日—2006年10月28日)原名霍官泰,生於香港,籍貫廣東番禺南沙(現屬廣州市),香港企業家,官至中華人民共和國全國政協副主席,成為首名港人擠身中國國家領導人級別,有「愛國商人」稱號。官方新華社將霍英東形容為「中國共產黨的親密朋友」;而香港行政長官稱讚霍英東為「模範港人」。
Henry Fok Ying Tung (Traditional Chinese: 霍英東; pinyin: Huò Yīngdōng; 1923 - 2006) was a Hong Kong businessman. His parents were from Nansha, Panyu, now part of Guangzhou, Guangdong). Originally named Fok Koon Tai (霍官泰). He has been the vice-chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of PRC since March 1993, and was possibly the most powerful Hongkonger in the politics of the People's Republic of China.
Before the handover of Hong Kong, Henry Fok was a member of the Drafting Committee for the Basic Law of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), the vice-chairman of the Preliminary Working Committee of Preparatory Committee of the Hong Kong SAR, and the vice-chairman of the Preparatory Committee of Hong Kong SAR. He was also Standing Committee member of 7th National People's Congress.
The press frequently reports that Henry Fok had introduced Tung Chee Hwa to Jiang Zemin as a possible candidate of the first Hong Kong Chief Executive.
Henry Fok helped Tung Chee Hwa out of a near bankruptcy of his family's Orient Overseas Container Line in the 1980s. Because of this relationship, it was often said while Tung was the Chief Executive of Hong Kong that Fok 'intervened/advised' if times, or rather Beijing, called for it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 23:08:01
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