
2006-11-07 9:02 pm
我係ive mh讀hd最後一年既bse想出年讀個u,日好or夜好呢

回答 (2)

2006-11-08 12:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
除左上面個朋友叫你考慮既事之外, 我覺得你仲要了解下日校同夜校既大學既分別
因為你講既日校好大機會會係本地大學, 而八大院校出黎既畢業生當然係high sounding d啦
不過, 有d外國大學既u 都有提供日同]夜校既選擇, 咁佢地既分別就唔太大喇
而你要知道既係, 讀日校溫習既時間一定比係夜校既多, 所以對你既學業成績都會有一定既影響
仲有學習氣氛都會唔一樣, 因為夜校既學生大部份都係年長生,你怕唔怕同d同學有距離呢?

人一生有大部份時間都係工作, 點解唔花多少少時間俾自己多做幾年全職學生呢?
唔洗急於去搵野做既 ----除非你屋企經濟唔係太好啦
2006-11-07 9:09 pm
I think just according to you situation la~ If you not urgent to find out a job or working to earn money, I suggest that you study in full time la, more concentrate into your study and find out a job after you graduate~

but if you want to get some working experience or want to earn some money to support your school fee, you choose part-time la, but I can say that study in part-time is so hard because after work hold day, you still need to study and besides of working, you need to put extra time to your study, such as write assignment, prepare tests and exam, so you need to think of this la~

hope that my answer can help you to solve the problem la~

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