
2006-11-07 7:50 pm

回答 (4)

2006-11-07 9:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
辦學宗旨; 以基督之價值觀,為學生提供卓越的全人教育,使他們具有仁愛、良知、自信、勇毅、創新、能幹及負責任之美德,從而提升生活的素質,並對家庭、職業及社會作出貢獻。

地址: 香港銅鑼灣禮頓道140號
分區: 灣仔區
電話: 2576 1692
傳真: 2882 8464
網址: http://www.spcs.edu.hk
電郵: [email protected]
校監/校管會主席: 黃金蓮修女
校長: 黃金蓮修女(教育碩士)
學校類別: 直資
學生性別: 女
辦學團體: 沙爾德聖保祿女修會
宗教: 天主教
創校年份: 1854
學校佔地面積: 7,000平方米
學生人數: 1,400
教師人數: 81
校訓: 「為一切人成為一切」〈格前9:22〉
家長教師會: 有
學生會: 有
舊生會/校友會: 有
自行分配中一學位準則與比重: 2006/7 自行收生分配學位收生準則:
直達學校的公共交通: 各途經香港銅鑼灣的巴士與隧巴。
2006-11-07 9:26 pm
參考: 祝你好運動!!
2006-11-07 8:59 pm
Are you talking about St Paul's Secondary School 聖保祿中學 in Happy Valley or 聖保祿學校 (St Paul's Convent School) in Causeway Bay?

-They both belong to the same organization. If you have good grades in primary school, it is not like very hard to get in. I'd say being in top 25% in your graduating class is a good bet. There's NOTHING to do with being a Catholic. Most students who go there have no religion. I studied in one of them (it was like 10 years ago when I was a Form 1 studnet). It was easier to get into Convent than Secondary. (I'm not sure about now... everything has changed right?) Convent is a bigger school so they can take more students. People usually mix up the two schools... so I don't blame you.
2006-11-07 8:13 pm
它是一間港島名校, 話明是名校收生要求嚴格如果一般自己去投考是好難成功的, 而且英文程度要好好否則好難跟得上, 跟本他們亦不會收你, 除非你成績超卓同認識一d 名流申士......因為教會學校你去入左教先啦....同識d 有名的主敎等等.......祝你好運!!!!!!
參考: 我自少住係該校附近

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