2006-11-07 2:13 pm
我依家做緊.... QUADRATIC EQUATIONS ge project..
我想尋找一D... solve equation ge method...
好似... 除左..factor .. graph & QUADRATIC EQUATIONS...

also... 我想清楚知道...
-b+_(b^2- 4ac)/2a...

回答 (2)

2006-11-07 3:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實 factorize 的方法只能夠應用在一小類 Quadratic Equation 上,而 graphical method 得出的答案一般都不夠精確(通常畫圖只能夠取至小數點得一個位),而 Quadratic Formula 就一定可以解決所有 Quadratic Equation,所以 Quadratic Formula 都可說是「絕招」。

Quadratic Formula 的證明內使用了其中一個解 Quadratic Equation 的方法,就是「配方法」(Completing the Square),配方法就是為 x^2及 x 項加入適當的常數項,使它成為完全平方,然後再用開平方的方法來解方程,看看以下的例子:

x^2 - x - 1 = 0
(x^2 - x) - 1 = 0
[x^2 - x + (1/2)^2] - (1/2)^2 - 1 = 0 (我們在這裡加入適當的常數,使得x^2與 -x 與加入的常數3項能成為完全平方)
(x - 1/2)^2 - 1/4 - 1 = 0
(x - 1/2)^2 = 5/4
x - 1/2 = ± √(5/4) (使用開平方的方法來解)
x = (1 ± √5)/2

Quadratic Equation 的證明:
ax^2 + bx + c = 0
x^2 + (b/a) x + c/a = 0
[x^2 + (b/a) x] + c/a = 0
[x^2 + (b/a) x + (b/(2a))^2] - (b/(2a))^2 + c/a = 0 (這裡加入常數項使 x^2、(b/a) x 與加入的常數項為為完全平方)
[x + b/(2a)]^2 - b^2/(4a^2) + c/a = 0
[x + b/(2a)]^2 = b^2/(4a^2) - c/a
[x + b/(2a)]^2 = b^2/(4a^2) - 4ac/(4a^2)
[x + b/(2a)]^2 = (b^2 - 4ac)/(4a^2)
x + b/(2a) = ±√[(b^2 - 4ac)/(4a^2)] (這裡開平方)
x + b/(2a) = ±√(b^2 - 4ac) / 2a
x = [-b±√(b^2 - 4ac)] / 2a

至於發明方面,以下是一些歷史資料(取自 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadratic_equation):

On clay tablets dated between 1800 BC and 1600 BC, the ancient Babylonians first discovered quadratic equations and also gave early methods for solving them. Indian mathematician Baudhayana who wrote a Sulba Sutra in ancient India circa 8th century BC first used quadratic equations of the form ax2 = c and ax2 + bx = c and also gave methods for solving them.

Babylonian mathematicians from circa 400 BC and Chinese mathematicians from circa 200 BC used the method of completing the square to solve quadratic equations with positive roots, but did not have a general formula. Euclid produced a more abstract geometrical method around 300 BC. The Bakshali Manuscript written in India between 200 BC and 400 CE introduced the general algebraic formula for solving quadratic equations, and also introduced quadratic indeterminate equations (origin of type ax/c = y).

The first mathematician to have found negative solutions with the general algebraic formula, was Brahmagupta (India, 7th century). Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Ḵwārizmī (Persia, 9th century) developed a set of formulae that worked for positive solutions. Abraham bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi (also known by the Latin name Savasorda) introduced the complete solution to Europe in his book Liber embadorum in the 12th century. Bhaskara II (India, 12th century) solved quadratic equations with more than one unknown.

Shridhara (India, 9th century) was one of the first mathematicians to give a general rule for solving a quadratic equation. His original work is lost but Bhaskara II later quotes Shridhara's rule:

Multiply both sides of the equation by a known quantity equal to four times the coefficient of the square of the unknown; add to both sides a known quantity equal to the square of the coefficient of the unknown; then take the square root. [1]


希望這些東西可以幫助你做這個 Project。^^
2006-11-07 2:48 pm
一元二次方程 ( 第七版 ) ( Quadratic Equations : Version 7 )

( 程式版本:1.0,最後更新日期 5 JAN 2006。)

這個程式可以計算一元二次方程 ( Quadratic Equation ) 的實數根。這個程式的特別之處是只使用兩個記憶位置 ( Memory )。如果想要計算複數根 ( Complex roots ),請在輸入程式前按 MODE 2 將計算機轉入複數計算模式 ( CMPLX )。


程式組 41 bytes
1 ? → A : ? → B : -B ÷ 2A → B : A :
2 ? → A : B + √( B2 – A ÷ Ans → A ◢
3 2B – Ans → B


程式組 37 bytes
1 ? → A : ? → B : -B ÷ 2A → B : A :
2 ? → A : B + √( B2 – A ÷ Ans ◢
3 2B – Ans

程式三(如果輸入的是整數,而根是有理數 ( Rational Number ),答案會以分數顯示。)

程式組 42 bytes
1 ? → A : ? → B : -B ┘( 2A → B : A :
2 ? → A : B + √( B2 – A ┘Ans → A ◢
3 2B – Ans → B


程式組 38 bytes
1 ? → A : ? → B : -B ┘( 2A → B : A :
2 ? → A : B + √( B2 – A ┘Ans ◢
3 2B – Ans

( ┘是分數,按 a b/c。)


如果輸入時使用了複數計算模式,執行程式後計算機會自動轉入複數計算模式 ( 計算機會顯示 CMPLX )。

例一:解方程 ( Solve ) 2x2 + 3x – 2 = 0

按 Prog,再按 1 至 4 選擇輸入程式位置 ( 必須和輸入程式時選擇的位置相同,此時計算機出現 A? ),再按

2 EXE 3 EXE (-) 2 EXE

顯示 0.5 ( 第一個根 First Root ) ( 使用程式三或程式四會顯示 1 / 2 )
再按 EXE 顯示 –2 ( 第二個根 Second Root )

例二:解方程 ( Solve ) x2 – 4x + 13 = 0

按 Prog,再按 1 至 4 選擇輸入程式位置 ( 必須和輸入程式時選擇的位置相同,此時計算機出現 A? ),再按

1 EXE (-) 4 EXE 13 EXE

如果輸入程式時沒有進入複數計算模式 ( CMPLX ),那麼
顯示 Math ERROR ( 根不是實數 )

如果輸入程式時有進入複數計算模式 ( CMPLX ),那麼
顯示 2 ( 第一個根實數部份 Real Part of First Root )
( 此時計算機右上角會顯示 R<=>I,表示答案是複數 Complex Number )
再按 Re←→Im ( SHIFT EXE ) 顯示 3 ( 第一個根虛數部份 Imaginary Part of First Root )
再按 EXE 顯示 2 ( 第二個根實數部份 Real Part of Second Root )
( 此時計算機右上角會顯示 R<=>I,表示答案是複數 Complex Number )
再按 Re←→Im ( SHIFT EXE ) 顯示 –3 ( 第二個根虛數部份 Imaginary Part of Second Root )

亦即是說方程式的根是 2 ± 3i

當答案出現時,可按 a b/c 嘗試將答案由小數轉為分數。

如果是程式一或程式三,程式執行完成後,按 RCL A 會顯示第一個根的數值,而 RCL B 會顯示第二個根的數值。

請按 MODE 1 將計算機轉回 COMP 模式。

一元二次方程 ( 第一版 ) ( Quadratic Equations : Version 1 )

一元二次方程 ( 第二版 ) ( Quadratic Equations : Version 2 )

一元二次方程 ( 第三版 ) ( Quadratic Equations : Version 3 )

一元二次方程 ( 第四版 ) ( Quadratic Equations : Version 4 )

一元二次方程 ( 第五版 ) ( Quadratic Equations : Version 5 )

一元二次方程 ( 第六版 ) ( Quadratic Equations : Version 6 )

一元二次方程 ( 二次回歸計算法 ) ( Quadratic Equations : Using Quadratic Regression )

一元二次函數因子分解 ( 第一版 ) ( Factorization of Quadratic Function : Version 1 )

一元二次函數因子分解 ( 第二版 ) ( Factorization of Quadratic Function : Version 2 )

一元三次方程 ( 第一版 ) ( Cubic Equations : Version 1 )

一元三次方程 ( 第二版 ) ( Cubic Equations : Version 2 )

一元三次方程 ( 第三版 ) ( Cubic Equations : Version 3 )

一元四次方程 ( Quartic Equations )



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